Transifex KantanMT Integration: More Accurate, Automated Translations

Lucy Xu
November 20, 2019
2 min read

As more content requires localization, companies are not only prioritizing localization, but are also looking for means to successfully manage the localization process — and ways to optimize everything from the speed of the work to the quality of translations. One great way to make this possible is to get a strong head start in localization through Machine Translation (MT).

With Transifex, global companies and their localization teams not only have a continuous, all-in-one localization platform, but they also gain the ability to integrate with the tools they use everyday. With these integrations, localization teams now have more sophisticated ways to manipulate their machine-translated content and improve the quality of their content. Today, Transifex users can integrate with Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, AmazonMT, and our latest addition to the integration family: KantanMT.

KantanMT is a machine translation technology that utilizes statistical and neural translation models generated from the analysis of monolingual and bilingual content. You can leverage dedicated MT engines already offered by KantanMT or train your own engines using your translation memory and glossary to get more sophisticated machine translations. Due to this, KantanMT is quite different from the default MT engines already in Transifex, resulting in even more accurate, automated translations.

To start using this integration, go into your Transifex platform and find KantanMT in the Machine Translation settings interface of your organization, or in your Project Settings (“MT Override”).

To use KantanMT, you simply need to:

  1. Create or connect to a KantanMT account,
  2. Train or initiate your KantanMT engine pairs for your language preferences, and
  3. Grab the KantanMT API key to use on the Transifex interface.

With our latest KantanMT integration, the Transifex team takes one more step towards equipping your localization teams with the MT options you need to grow and maintain your global presence.

To access integrations like this one and start translating your content, unlock the power of localization with this free 15-day trial of Transifex.

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Lucy Xu
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