Lights Off! Introducing Transifex Dark Mode: Easy on the Eyes & the Workflows

Lights Off! Introducing Transifex Dark Mode: Easy on the Eyes & the Workflows
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Lucy Xu
August 14, 2019
2 min read

Companies with their minds on global expansion have businesses that move fast, driven by teams that move even faster. For localization teams, this means lots of project management, translation, and development on a localization platform … in front of the LCD screen.

We know that hours of translating, editing, and coding can take its toll on the eyes — and the Transifex community has been invaluable in helping us understand how we can make this easier for localization teams across the board. And after listening to our community and users, we have come up with a solution that now makes Transifex accessible to those who prefer to work on their computers with a darker theme.

Introducing Transifex Dark Mode! Whether you are burning that midnight oil or looking for more soothing and lower screen contrast, Transifex Dark Mode is available now simply at the flip of a switch. Here’s how it works in 3 simple steps.

How It Works

To enable “Dark Mode” for your Transifex editor:

  1. Go to the Transifex editor.
  2. Click on the gear icon, select “Editor Preferences.”
  3. In the “Editor Preference” tab, select the “Enable dark mode” toggle.

Then, voila! Your editor dashboard will now be displayed in dark mode:

Transifex Dark Mode

Try Transifex (and Dark Mode) for Free

The world’s fastest-moving and tech-forward companies are using Transifex to go global. If you don’t have a Transifex account yet, sign up for your 15-day free trial to find out why — and try out Dark Mode (and more) for yourself.

Try AI-Translation for Free!
Translate any webpage in just minutes with Transifex AI and receive a detailed content quality report.
Lucy Xu
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