Easily Search, Filter, and Edit All Your Translation Strings

Easily Search, Filter, and Edit All Your Translation Strings
Table of contents
Lucy Xu
February 19, 2020
4 min read

As a localization platform serving the world’s fastest-moving global companies, the Transifex team is working hard every day to bring you new features that will continue to help you reach global audiences and elevate your presence worldwide.

And after being around for over a decade, we make sure that everything we build is addressing the feedback we directly receive from our awesome community of clients, translators, developers, and other localization professionals. From Dark Mode to integrations like Slack and GitHub, every new feature and integration is built with you – the end-user – in mind.  

Today, we are excited to share with you the launch of Search Strings, a feature to help you easily search, filter, and edit strings across Transifex. This feature allows you to filter text and show key string results across all your projects and languages. The best part is that through the new feature, you are able to filter and sort in one single instance directly through your organization’s page.

How Search Strings Works

The new Search Strings feature is super simple to use: in just a few clicks, you can select specific strings and then seamlessly switch to the editor with one click to edit everything in an organized, efficient manner. Here’s how it works:   

1. To start, select “Search Strings” from the top menu bar in Transifex.

2. Enter your search text and click “Search.” This will automatically scan all of the source text and retrieve any words from your search field.

3. To further filter these results, click “Filters” and set your search criteria. You can filter by project, source language, target language, resource, text, status, user, date, and/or key. (Note: You can also use “Filters” with an empty search field!)

4. After you select your filters, a table will be generated that includes all string results. The table will show all results up to 4,000 entries, and each page can display up to 100 entries (change the number of entries per page with the “Items per page” dropdown above the table).  

In case you have input a search that retrieves over 4,000 entries, you’ll see a message that says: “Please refine your search criteria.” We built this in to help you make the most of the search function; the more refined your search is, the more efficiently you’ll be able to filter and edit at scale.

5. From here, you can sort the strings based on the following fields:

  • last activity (fetches the most recent reviewed strings)
  • project (segments strings per project)
  • relevance (sorts by text relevance)
  • appearance order (shows string sequence based on how they appear in the resource file)

Search Strings

And as you sort, make sure to keep these two things in mind: 

  • It must be performed prior to the search, and the default sorting will be by “Project” if you are using only filters. If you’re using both text search and filters, the results will then be sorted by “Relevance.”
  • Sorting will happen one field at a time. For example, if you sort by “Source Language (S.L.)” first and then sort by “Project Name,” the second sorting selection will override the first.

6. Above the table in the top right corner, you’ll see exactly how many pages of results have surfaced (i.e., “1-10 of 230” results). From here, you can also use the arrows next to the total page number to navigate between search result pages.

7. To learn about any specific string, simply click on the string. An information pane (like the one in the image) will slide open from the right side of the table. Here you will find valuable information regarding the selected string.

String Details

8. To open a string in the Transifex editor, simply click the “Open in Editor” button inside of the pane and the Editor will open in a new tab.

Follow these steps and you’ll be well on your way to efficiently searching, filtering, and editing all of your localization strings! To learn more about the different ways global localization teams are using Search Strings and other Transifex features, join the Transifex Community. 

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Lucy Xu
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