The 7 Localization Integrations Making Developers’ Lives Easier
Localization is a company-wide undertaking that has its challenges for managers, translators, and developers alike. But thanks to the evolution of localization technology and the ever-evolving feedback loop of international companies that are growing their global reach, there are tools and resources to make localization easier.
This week, following a great DevWeek 2020 in San Francisco, combined with some feedback from our Transifex Community forums, we’ve pulled together the top integrations that are making the lives of developers a little bit easier during the localization process.
1. Slack — With tools like the Transifex Slack integration, teams can take their localization projects to the next level by bringing localization into daily team communication to increase project transparency. With this integration, teams can quickly respond to project updates and roadblocks while staying on top of overall project workflow and progress, all from the comfort of their Slack app.
2. Amazon Translate — Amazon, with its offerings like AWS and Amazon Translate, has long been a staple in any fast-moving company’s tech stack. With the Transifex Amazon Translate integration, localization teams are now connecting their localization software directly to their AWS accounts to enable continuous localization.
3. GitHub – In today’s fast development cycles, it is vital to have all content (and translated content) in a single repository. With the Transifex GitHub integration, companies are automatically pushing new translations back to their home repository. The best part? The integration setup takes minutes and any teams connected with the GitHub repository can prepare for continuous localization success.
4. KantanMT – This machine translation (MT) technology uses statistical and neural translation models that have been generated after thorough analysis of monolingual and bilingual content. What does this mean for you? Accurate, automated translations. This deeply technical integration is a favorite for advanced localization developers who know how to leverage the power of MT engines to train their own translation memories.
5. Bitbucket – Similar to the GitHub integration, the Bitbucket integration is also for syncing to your repository. Developers are a fan of the Bitbucket integration because it automatically imports all new content and exports all translated content. This way, there’s no longer any need for manual updates of localization files.
6. lexiQA – Quality checks are an important step in the localization process. With the lexiQA integration, teams can harness a powerful QA tool instantly! Use this integration to perform quick and thorough QA checks in seconds.
7. Dark Mode – Transifex Dark Mode is a fun and in-demand feature we launched last year, inspired by the feedback we’ve received from the developers that often work inside of the platform late at night. After turning on Dark Mode, developers and localization teams can burn that midnight localization oil while still being kind to their eyes.
These are just a few of the features that make Transifex a favorite across localization teams and fast-moving companies. For more localization tips for developers, download the Localization for Agile Teams Guide. To try out a best-in-class agile localization solution for your localization team, sign up for your 15-day free trial of Transifex.