Robust Custom Translation Checks With Regular Expressions
It’s been years since we introduced translation checks for each file format that is supported in Transifex. During all that time, we continuously added new checks, based on the feedback we got from our customers and our observations on the reviews done on translations in general.
Would that be enough? Well, yes …. and no! No matter the number of checks we made available, there were still issues that we couldn’t cover. These were requests for checks that were mostly dependent on the specific content structure, the implementation architecture chosen, and the customer’s own private codebase.
While we couldn’t help by making all these checks available to everyone, and we assumed that you wouldn’t want to scroll through an endless list, we had an idea: how about giving a tool to create such specific rules in advance? That was a revelation, right then and there!
Custom Translation Checks: Regular Expressions to the Rescue
“We’ve told translators so many times that they shouldn’t change single quotes to double quotes because it breaks our app, but we keep receiving translations that need corrections. So, we are often close to missing launch deadlines. Can you help us in any way?”…. Um, yes we can! And we call this help: Custom Translation Checks!
This feature is based on regular expressions and it empowers localization managers and translators to deliver translations at a higher level of quality than before. Here’s how:
From your organization settings, go to Translation Checks, locate the file format you work with and click on the “Add a translation check” button, located after the built-in translation checks, relevant to your file format. Then, fill in the following details:
And then, test it!
Save your new custom translation check as a warning or an error, and you are all set!
Now, when the translator makes the same mistake, he will be notified accordingly and he can correct his translation on the spot! Talking about saving time!
Power to the Localization Teams
We feel so proud of empowering localization teams to be more effective and efficient, offering the best combo ever: deliver faster and in better quality. If you want to learn more about our custom translation checks with regular expressions, you can visit our docs, contact support or watch this video. We have also listed some frequent use cases that can help you to get started!
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