Mobile App Localization & Translation Tool

Localize Android & iOS apps with Transifex, the all-in-one mobile app translation tool. Adapt your app to diverse markets and drive more conversions.

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Translate your mobile app with just one click
Ai-Powered human-quality translations at massive scale
Lower localization costs by 40%
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Our app’s localization would be a non-starter without Transifex.
Justin Bruening, Senior Product Ops Manager
AI-Powered Mobile App Translation Tool
  • Transifex AI
  • Android Localization
  • iOS Localization
  • Transifex Native
  • Quality Assurance
Transifex AI
  • Transifex AI
  • Android Localization
  • iOS Localization
  • Transifex Native
  • Quality Assurance
Translate your app with one click
Use Transifex AI and elevate your reach globally, faster than ever. Personalized content creation and human-quality translations at massive scale, at the click of a button.
Automate your Android app translation
Our Android localization solution saves you engineering time with our top-notch Android SDK. Push and pull translations Over-the-Air (OTA) through our easy-to-use CLI.
android localization
Automate your iOS app translation
Our iOS localization solution saves you engineering time with our top-notch iOS SDK. Push and pull translations Over-the-Air (OTA) through our easy-to-use CLI.
android localization
Seamless translation management
What makes our mobile app translation tool excellent. Manage and release all your content across languages & platforms at your own pace. Publish translation updates instantly with Framework Specific SDKs that follow a universal localization syntax.
Ensure higher translation quality
Transifex provides tools that ensure higher translation quality. Save time while keeping the quality assurance cost low. Use Transifex AI, Translation checks, Translation Memory, Glossary, Review, Developer notes.
“It truly feels like we are one team with Transifex, working together towards a common goal.”

-Julia, Senior Training Manager, Celonis

Higher usage from non-English users
Lower localization costs
Higher lead conversion rates
Less time spent on manual tasks
Users love localizing with Transifex
Users love localizing with Transifex
Frequently Asked Questions About Mobile App Translation Tools
Is there an app that can translate another app?
Yes, apps like Google Translate and Microsoft Translator can translate text within other apps. For more robust app translation and localization, Transifex offers a comprehensive solution, allowing seamless translation management and integration within other apps.
How do I translate a mobile app?
To translate a mobile app, you can use in-app translation features from apps like Google Translate. For a more efficient and scalable approach, Transifex allows you to manage and integrate translations directly into your app, ensuring consistency across all languages.
How do I translate an online app?
To translate an online app, you can use tools like Google Chrome's built-in translation or integrate a translation API. For a more comprehensive solution, Transifex provides a platform to manage online app translations, offering AI-powered translations and easy integration for continuous localization.
What is the app localization tool?
An app localization tool is software designed to adapt an app's content to different languages and cultures. Transifex is a leading example, providing a comprehensive platform for managing translations and localizations, allowing for efficient collaboration and high-quality results.
How do you localize your app?
To localize your app, you need to translate its content, adapt the layout, and ensure cultural relevance. Transifex simplifies this process by providing tools for managing translations, automating workflows, and ensuring consistency across languages.
What are the types of mobile app localization?
Mobile app localization involves linguistic translation, cultural adaptation, and technical adjustments. Transifex supports all these types, offering a platform that handles translation and localization, ensuring your app is ready for different markets.
Should I localize my app?
Yes, localizing your app is essential if you want to reach a global audience. Transifex makes the process easier by offering a platform that streamlines translation and localization, helping you expand your market reach effectively.
What is an example of app localization?
An example of app localization is adapting an app's text, currency, and date formats from English for the U.S. market to Spanish for the Spanish market, ensuring the content is culturally and linguistically appropriate
How to do localization in Android app?
Localization in an Android app is done by creating language-specific resource files and ensuring that the app dynamically loads the correct resources based on the user's language settings.
How to do localization in iOS app?
Localization in an iOS app is done by creating language-specific resource files and ensuring that the app dynamically loads the correct resources based on the user's language settings.
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